Studio Policy (as of 5/17/2022) Your enrollment constitutes acceptance of these terms.
1. Tuition is quoted on a yearly basis but is divided into 9 equal payments for your convenience. Tuition is payable the 1st class of the month. A $10.00 late fee will be added on the 11 th of the month on any unpaid balance. Bills are sent only on overdue accounts and tuition will increase by $10.00 on any overdue account.
2. We offer 2 options for payments: Option 1 Plan - pay monthly class tuition in addition to costume payments and revue fee when due. All 1st year students will be Option 1 payment plan. Once credit is established with the studio, you will be offered our Option 2 payment plan the next year. Option 2 Plan – pay monthly (monthly tuition, costumes, and revue fee) divided by 9 equal payments. Any account that is continuously past due with not be offered the Option 2 payment plan for future years. Students will not be allowed to participate or watch any class if their account is more than 2 months past due.
3. Accounts must be current at the time of ordering costumes otherwise; your child’s costume will not be ordered. Costumes will not be distributed if your account has a balance and your child will not be allowed to participate in pictures or the revue. All costumes order for a student must be fully paid in order to receive any costumes.
4. There will be a $25.00 service charge on all NSF checks. If you pay by cash, please put the correct amount in an envelope with your child’s name on it. Please remember to write your child’s name on checks, especially if last names are not the same.
5. If a student wishes to discontinue her training at Sugar ‘n Spice, you must inform the school in writing; otherwise, you will continue to be charged. No refunds of any tuition, costume charges or revue fee will be given. Option 2 participants will still be responsible for the total cost of the costumes once they are ordered. Any student dismissed from the studio will not receive any refunds on tuition, costume charges or revue fee. Unless ALL costumes charges are paid, ALL costumes remain the property of Sugar ‘n Spice Academy of Dance.
6. Registration fee is $50.00 per child.
7. Students are grouped by ability first, and then age. The faculty will be the judges as to placement of students in classes.
8. Students are expected to attend class on a regular basis. If a student misses and/or sits 7 or more dance classes, she may be denied credit for the year and the privilege of performing in the Revue. Proper dance attire is required at all times.
9. Certificates will be awarded on stage for students with perfect attendance.
10. Anyone arriving more than 15 minutes late or leaving 15 minutes early will lose perfect attendance. Anyone sitting out more than 15 minutes will also lose perfect attendance. All classes count towards perfect attendance. Only those students who take a basic class qualify for Perfect Attendance and a yearly award.
11. Please check your child’s dance bag after each class. Pertinent information, including Newsletters and Recital Information, is sent home on a regular basis.
12. Visitors and observers will be welcome during open curtain week. Please read your monthly newsletter to find out the dates for open curtain week.
13. Please be prompt before and after class. The faculty cannot be responsible for any student left more than 10 minutes before or after class. If violations of this rule cause any teacher to remain overtime, parents will pay late pick-up fee of $20.00 beginning 11 minutes after the last class. An additional $20.00 will be charged for every 15 minutes thereafter. 13. Classes are NOT to be interrupted and no one but participating students are to enter classrooms.
14. If anyone has shoes or leotards to sell, you may place a notice on the bulletin board with all the necessary information.
15. Please do not park in front of the Studio. It is a Drive through.
16. During inclement weather, the Studio may follow the lead of the Public School System.
17. Office hours are from 4:00 -7:30 p.m., Monday -Thursday.
18. Our annual Dance Recital (held at the Heymann Performing Arts Center) is the third Sunday of May. Participation in the Dance Recital is not mandatory. Anyone participating in the recital is required to pay a recital fee. The revue fee includes: a recital t-shirt, one recital DVD, 2 dance programs, the Heymann Center rental, backstage passes, props, backdrops, and insurance policies required for recital weekend.
19. Anyone participating in the recital is required to attend ALL Heymann Center practices. If your child misses a practice and has not received permission from Ms. Lisa, she will not be able to participate in the recital. If your child is not allowed to participate due to this policy, tuition, costumes fees, and recital fees WILL NOT be refunded. Heymann Center practices are MANDATORY!
I, the undersigned, understand and agree to the Studio Policy.
Signature_______________________________________________________ Date: ________